If you’re looking for bargain books, you might check with your public library to see if they have a Friends of the Library group that sells used books. My library’s Friends group, for example, sells books in three venues: 1) semi-annual sales in the library’s community room; 2) whenever the library is open at the ongoing book sale shelves in the library; and 3) 24/7 at their Amazon book store. Your library’s Friends group most likely offers at least one of these options.
Books sold at Friends sales have been donated by the public, so there is usually a selection that reflects a wide variety of interests: fiction, travel, health, politics, history, gardening, cooking, etc. Prices, of course, are a fraction of the price you’d pay for new books. They’re also generally lower than commercial used books stores since Friends groups are nonprofits staffed by volunteers.
BooksaleFinder.com offers an easy way to locate Friends of the Library book sales throughout the country. Check them out!
Another Reading Opportunity: Learn about magazines for seniors.