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  • The Senior Reading Room

Romantic poetry for reading aloud

book of sonnets by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

With Valentine’s Day coming up soon, I’m in the mood for love poetry which, by the way, is excellent for reading aloud and shared reading with seniors.

If you’re in the mood too, you might want to try these three classic love poems: 1) How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning; 2) She Walks in Beauty, by George Gordon Byron; and Of Love: A Sonnet, by Robert Herrick.

Want more? Here are some suggestions for compilations of romantic poetry:

A Little, Aloud With Love – This anthology of prose and poetry was compiled by The Reader Organization, a British nonprofit that works to bring people and great literature together for shared reading.

77 Love Sonnets by Garrison Keilor – Yes, that Garrison Keilor, from Prairie Home Companion.

101 Classic Love Poems – A collection of poems on love and romance.


Another Reading Opportunity: Learn about reading aloud.


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